European and Worldwide Collaborations
INFRAFRONTIER maintains a broad scientific collaboration network, both in Europe and worldwide. With many partners, notably the other Life Science Research Infrastructures, we continue to develop the European Research Area. In the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC), we are working with our international partners to create a comprehensive catalogue of mammalian gene function that is freely available to all scientists.

INFRAFRONTIER works closely with other Life Science RIs and world-leading research institutes under the framework of different pan-European projects. Currently, INFRAFRONTIER is involved in several large Horizon Europe projects and has coordinated projects involving multiple international partners in the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) and Horizon2020 (H2020).
International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC)
For many years, INFRAFRONTIER closely cooperates with IMPC – the largest and most important scientific consortium for mouse phenotyping worldwide.
The Life Science Research Infrastructures of the European Union
The Life Science Research Infrastructures (LS-RI) represent a powerful network of scientific resources and services which offer biomedical research team all over Europe an easy access to outstanding laboratories and equipment, biological samples, scientific databases and communication networks. Within these networks, INFRAFRONTIER is actively cooperating with a wide range of LS-RI partners:
BBMRI provides biobanking resources.
EATRIS supports researchers in translating their findings into novel interventions and therapeutics.
ECRIN links scientific partners across Europe to facilitate multinational clinical research.
ELIXIR manages and safeguards the increasing volume of scientific data being generated by publicly funded research.
EMBRC is dedicated to marine biology and ecology research.
EMPHASIS focuses on developing and enabling access to plant phenotyping infrastructure.
ERINHA is dedicated to the study of highly infectious emerging and re-emerging high-consequence pathogens.
EU-Openscreen is the leading research infrastructure for chemical biology – developing small molecular modulators.
Euro-BioImaging offers life scientists open access to latest 3D imaging instruments and data management services.
Instruct makes high-end technologies and methods a in structural biology available to scientists.
ISBE interconnects the best experimental and modeling facilities for Systems Biology in Europe.
MIRRI cares for the preservation, systematic investigation, provision and valorisation of microbial resources and biodiversity.