Legal Questions
The submission and distribution of mutant strains to and from the EMMA archive is subject to legally binding conditions.
EMMA only acts as distributor and any already existing Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) will remain in full force and effect.
Some genetically-engineered lines have been created using patented technologies and require that users obtain licenses to use those strains.

EMMA Repository Conditions and MTAs
Legally binding conditions for submission and distribution of EMMA strains:
EMMA lines are supplied to qualified researchers as a service to the scientific community at large, solely for research purposes and not for commercial use. The legally binding EMMA conditions further state that individual laboratories or institutions may not transfer or sell these animals or their progeny to any third party outside the recipient institution.
EMMA only acts as distributor and any already existing Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) will remain in full force and effect. Donor MTA documents can be downloaded from the respective strain description pages.
EMMA Policy on Licensing and Use Restriction
EMMA is committed to advancing biomedical research and makes every effort to distribute mouse and rat strains that are unencumbered by license restrictions. However, some institutions and companies have created genetically engineered strains or have developed patented technology that has been used to create genetically-engineered animals and require that users obtain licenses to use those strains. To expedite distribution of new strains EMMA asks users to work directly with the institutions or companies requiring licenses to obtain user licenses.
EMMA is primarily distributing strains to non-profit users. For certain collections of strains and if the provider agrees, it may be possible to distribute to commercial users as well. Companies and other for-profit entities interested in obtaining EMMA strains please
Licenses for Strains using ‘CRISPR’ Technology
For strains generated by use of the CRISPR technology it must be ensured that the user agrees with the underlying license conditions applicable to the relevant EMMA partner.
For strains distributed by the UK EMMA partner MRC Harwell Institute the CRISPR technology related terms and conditions are described here.
CRISPR activities of the EMMA partners listed below are covered by non-exclusive worldwide licenses granted by Caribou Biosciences, Inc. and the Broad Institute, Inc. to Helmholtz Zentrum München – Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Gesundheit und Umwelt (GmbH). Recipient users must agree with both the terms of a limited use label license and the terms of the Uniform Biological Material Transfer Agreement (UBMTA). For this purpose, an appropriate MTA will be concluded between the recipient and the relevant EMMA partner. In case the provider, i.e. the scientist/institution that deposited the mutant strain in EMMA, requires further terms to ensure that said provider complies with all of its obligations to any third parties’ intellectual property rights, such terms will be added to the MTA by the relevant EMMA node upon request of the Provider. Detailed license conditions can be found in the individual EMMA partners’ MTAs, which are also linked to each individual strain on the strain detail page:
- Biomedical Research Center `Alexander Fleming´, Vari, Greece ( MTA)
- PHENOMIN-ICS Institut Clinique de la Souris, Illkirch, France ( MTA)
- Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Monterotondo, Italy ( MTA)
- PHENOMIN-TAAM, Orléans, France ( MTA)
- National Centre for Biotechnology (CNB-CSIC), Madrid, Spain ( MTA)
- Helmholtz Munich (HM), Neuherberg, Germany ( MTA)
- The Centre for Phenogenomics (CCP), Prague, Czech Republic ( MTA)
- Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden ( MTA)
- University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland ( MTA)
Licenses for Strains using ‘TET-System’ Technology
A license agreement is required for EMMA strains using ‘TET-System’ technology. Not-for-profit and academic research institutions are granted an automatic license to use the TET-System only for internal, academic research purposes with the purchase of this product, which license specifically excludes the right to sell, or otherwise transfer, the TET-System or its component parts to third parties. In accepting this license, all users acknowledge that the TET-System is experimental in nature, and that the product will not be used in humans. TET Systems Holding makes no warranties, express or implied of any kind, and hereby disclaims all warranties, representations or guarantees of any kind as to the TET-System, patents or products. For-profit entities are required to obtain a license from TET Systems Holding prior to purchasing these reagents or using them for any purpose. EMMA partners are required by licensing agreements to submit a report of all purchasers of the TET controllable expression systems to TET Systems Holding.
For commercial use license information contact:
TET Systems GmbH & Co. KG.
Vangerowstr. 20.
69115 Heidelberg.
+49 6221 5 88 04 00
+49 6221 5 88 04 04
TET Systems