Vienna Cryo & Embryo Transfer Course

31 August - 04 September 2020
VetMedUni Vienna
Vienna, AT

The Institute of Laboratory Animal Science and Biomodels Austria at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna offer a comprehensive course on cryopreservation, embryo transfer and other methods of assisted reproduction in mice. The course is intended to give technicians and scientists state-of -the-art background knowledge and hands-on training in the methods routinely used at the Vetmeduni Vienna.

The Course will include:

Theory Lectures

  • Mouse Anatomy and Biology of Reproduction, Introduction to Embryo Transfer, Anesthesia & Analgesia, Introduction to Sperm Freezing, In Vitro Fertilisation and Embryo Freezing methods, The European Mouse Mutant Archive, Worldwide shipping of mice and of cooled / frozen material

Hands-on Practical Training:

  • Preparation of Media and Capillaries, Sperm Collection and Cryopreservation, Superovulation, Oviduct and Uterus Flushing, Handling and Culture of Preimplantation Embryos, In vitro Fertilisation, Controlled Freezing of 2-cell embryos, Vasectomy, Plug Check of Recipients, Surgical Oviduct and Uterus Embryo Transfer Demonstrations: Percutaneous and Microsurgical Collection of Spermatozoa from Live Mice, Ovary

Details on Program, Pricing,and Booking:

Matching News
Public Relations 04. December 2021

Increased estrogen to androgen ratio in mice feminize the male immune system

INFRAFRONTIER® and European Mouse Mutant Archive - EMMA® are registered trademarks at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).