12-13 September 2019: Phenogenomics Conference in Prague

It is the start into a new era at BIOCEV campus, the newly built Centre of Excellence in Biomedicine and Biotechnology in Vestec near Prague: On 12 and 13 September 2019, the Czech Centre for Phenogenomics (CCP) is inviting the European biomedical research community for its first top-level scientific conference on Phenogenomics.
As main themes for his inaugural conference in Vestec, CCP director Radislav Sedlacek has chosen two highly relevant topics in the research with genetically modified animal models:
- the effects of long non-coding RNA
- the mouse as an indispensable disease model for metabolism disorders.

For both areas, the CCP Conference offers well-known international experts presenting their latest findings – coming from academic institutions and research centers in the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Germany, and Denmark, as well as from overseas universities like Michigan/USA and Seoul/Korea.
All details on programme and speakers: see https://www.ccp-conference.cz/programme/
Timing and Registration
The conference will start on Thursday, 12 September 2019, at 1 p.m. and will be finished between 1 and 2 p.m. the next day. For Thursday evening, the hosts have organized a networking dinner at Pocernicky pivovar – a typically Czech beer garden not far from the BIOCEV center.
The submission of abstracts has been closed on 9 August 2019.
For scientific attendants, the online registration is free of charge. It will be open until 20 August on https://event.img.cas.cz/registration/ccpc2019/.
Commercial participants are requested to contact directly the secretariat at:
The Institute of Molecular Genetics (IMG) of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS), of which CCP is an integral part, is one of the shareholders of INFRAFRONTIER GmbH.
The INFRAFRONTIER Research Infrastructure is actively supporting the CCP Conference 2019. In a short talk at the end of the first day, Dr. Asrar Ali Khan will inform the audience about the basic tasks and activities of INFRAFRONTIER.