Status | Available to order |
EMMA ID | EM:08439 |
International strain name | B6.129-Prdm1tm2.1Liz/RobH |
Alternative name | Prdm1 ΔEx1B/ΔEx1B(Rob) |
Strain type | Targeted Mutant Strains : Knock-out |
Allele/Transgene symbol | Prdm1tm2.1Liz |
Gene/Transgene symbol | Prdm1 |
Information from provider
Provider | Elizabeth Robertson |
Provider affiliation | The Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford |
Genetic information | A targeted deletion of a 3.9kb fragment from Prdm1 (chromosome 10: 44,247,021 to 44,250,926) containing the transcript exon 1B, a novel alternative first exon that splices directly to exon 3. This deletion generated an exon 1B null allele. |
Phenotypic information | Homozygous:Mice with targeted exon 1B deletion have slightly decreased expression in the yolk sac but show no other noticeable effects in embryo or adult tissues.Heterozygous:No phenotype. |
Breeding history | Exact number of generations backcrossed is unknown, but is more than 10. Exact number of generations sib-mated is unknown, but is more than 10 as, after backcrossing, they were maintained by intercrossing. Currently maintained as homozygous stock. |
References |
Homozygous fertile | yes |
Homozygous viable | yes |
Homozygous matings required | yes |
Immunocompromised | no |
Information from EMMA
Archiving centre | Mary Lyon Centre at MRC Harwell, Oxford, United Kingdom |
Disease and phenotype information
IMPC phenotypes (gene matching)
MGI phenotypes (allele matching)
- immune system phenotype / MGI
MGI phenotypes (gene matching)
- double outlet right ventricle / MGI
- oligodactyly / MGI
- abnormal myotome development / MGI
- abnormal embryo development / MGI
- decreased embryo size / MGI
- abnormal placenta morphology / MGI
- abnormal placenta development / MGI
- decreased trophoblast giant cell number / MGI
- abnormal placenta labyrinth morphology / MGI
- hemorrhage / MGI
- no abnormal phenotype detected / MGI
- abnormal germ cell morphology / MGI
- abnormal aortic valve morphology / MGI
- abnormal pharyngeal arch morphology / MGI
- abnormal primordial germ cell migration / MGI
- no phenotypic analysis / MGI
- embryonic growth retardation / MGI
- right aortic arch / MGI
- abnormal dermomyotome development / MGI
- abnormal spongiotrophoblast layer morphology / MGI
- abnormal dorsal aorta morphology / MGI
- absent oocytes / MGI
- decreased testis weight / MGI
- uterine hemorrhage / MGI
- azoospermia / MGI
- immune system phenotype / MGI
- hematopoietic system phenotype / MGI
- abnormal third pharyngeal arch morphology / MGI
- absent second pharyngeal arch / MGI
- absent plasma cells / MGI
- decreased primordial germ cell number / MGI
- absent primordial germ cells / MGI
- abnormal splenocyte physiology / MGI
- atrioventricular septal defect / MGI
- vascular ring / MGI
- abnormal left subclavian artery morphology / MGI
- absent third pharyngeal arch / MGI
- postnatal lethality, incomplete penetrance / MGI
- prenatal lethality, complete penetrance / MGI
- embryonic lethality during organogenesis, complete penetrance / MGI
- lethality throughout fetal growth and development, incomplete penetrance / MGI
- abnormal pharyngeal arch mesenchyme morphology / MGI
Literature references
- Blimp-1/Prdm1 alternative promoter usage during mouse development and plasma cell differentiation.;Morgan Marc A J, Magnusdottir Erna, Kuo Tracy C, Tunyaplin Chai, Harper James, Arnold Sebastian J, Calame Kathryn, Robertson Elizabeth J, Bikoff Elizabeth K, ;2009;Molecular and cellular biology;29;5813-27; 19737919
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