PATHBIO Module I: Mouse Anatomy

05 - 16 July 2021
Local organiser: Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona UAB
virtual course

The first PATHBIO course module – Embryology, Anatomy, Histology, and the Anatomical Basis of Imaging – aims to provide graduate, master’s, PhD and postdoc students with basic and expert knowledge to phenotype morphologically mouse models of human diseases.

At this course expert mouse embryologists, anatomists, pathologists and researchers from Europe and the US will give lectures and discuss with the participants different aspects of mouse morphological phenotyping, including examples of mouse models for the major human diseases.

COVID-19 situation:

Hands on teaching is a very important phase for learning morphological sciences. However, due to COVID‐19 pandemic a “classical” presential dissection room teaching is not possible.

During this course lectures will be followed by on‐line dissections of the different regions and organs of the mouse body. Recorded videos and preprint material will be available for participants to improve the on‐line learning experience. Furthermore, radiographs, images from TEM, micro‐CT, and MRI, as well as, digital slides will be used for teaching during the course.

The technological platform to set the on‐line course will be TEAMS (Microsoft). The local organizers will host the sessions and lead the discussions.

Costs and Contact:

There is no fee for this course.
Interested participants should apply with CV and letter of motivation to.

Deadline for applications is June 15th, 2021. Accepted participants will be informed by the end of June.

PATHBIO is an EU-funded ERASMUS Knowledge Alliance for “Precision Pathobiology for Disease Models”.
The program is supported by INFRAFRONTIER and IMPC.

Matching News
Public Relations 04. December 2021

Increased estrogen to androgen ratio in mice feminize the male immune system

INFRAFRONTIER® and European Mouse Mutant Archive - EMMA® are registered trademarks at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).