EUCOMM KO Models Available to Industry Scientists via genOway
A subset of the EUCOMM/EUCOMMTools resource is available to industry users via genOway:
- genOway offers industry scientists immediate access to EUCOMM conditional KO mouse models
- genOway guarantees freedom to operate (FTO) and offers important time gain in conditional knockout development time for industry scientists
Industry operators will benefit from this highly valuable scientific resource for the first time:
- EUCOMM/EUCOMMTOOLS provide access to their growing conditional KO repository with 9,500 models
- genOway provides the necessary intellectual property rights to use these models, including the IRES or Homologous Recombination exclusive technologies
- The agreement enables short timespans to access EUCOMM / EUCOMMTOOLS materials and generate conditional KO models from them
The industry will strongly benefit from this new genOway offer as its R&D saves months in obtaining conditional KO models and the necessary intellectual property rights at the same time. Direct access to EUCOMM mice via the EMMA repository will significantly reduce the time required to develop conditional KO models. The EMMA repository, via the INFRAFRONTIER platform, facilitates access to a large collection of EUCOMM mice that are widely used by the biomedical community.
List of EUCOMM KO models available to industry scientists via genOway
Industry users requesting EUCOMM strains should contact genOway ( vasb@trabjnl.pbz ) before placing an order.
Read more:
Full genOway press release
Further information on genOway service can be found here